
Calls to constructors require special handling within type checkers.

Constructor Calls

At runtime, a call to a class’ constructor typically results in the invocation of three methods in the following order:

  1. The __call__ method of the metaclass (which is typically supplied by the type class but can be overridden by a custom metaclass and which is responsible for calling the next two methods)

  2. The __new__ static method of the class

  3. The __init__ instance method of the class

Type checkers should mirror this runtime behavior when analyzing a constructor call.

Metaclass __call__ Method

When evaluating a constructor call, a type checker should first check if the class has a custom metaclass (a subclass of type) that defines a __call__ method. If so, it should evaluate the call of this method using the supplied arguments. If the metaclass is type, this step can be skipped.

If the evaluated return type of the __call__ method indicates something other than an instance of the class being constructed, a type checker should assume that the metaclass __call__ method is overriding type.__call__ in some special manner, and it should not attempt to evaluate the __new__ or __init__ methods on the class. For example, some metaclass __call__ methods are annotated to return NoReturn to indicate that constructor calls are not supported for that class.

class Meta(type):
    def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> NoReturn:
        raise TypeError("Cannot instantiate class")

class MyClass(metaclass=Meta):
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> Self:
        return super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)

assert_type(MyClass(), Never)

If no return type annotation is provided for __call__, a type checker may assume that it does not override type.__call__ in a special manner and proceed as though the return type is an instance of the type specified by the cls parameter.

__new__ Method

After the metaclass __call__ method has been evaluated, a type checker should evaluate the __new__ method of the class (if applicable) using the supplied arguments. This step should be skipped if the class does not define a __new__ method and does not inherit a __new__ method from a base class other than object.

If the class is generic and explicitly specialized, the type checker should partially specialize the __new__ method using the supplied type arguments. If the class is not explicitly specialized, class-scoped type variables should be solved using the supplied arguments passed to the constructor call.

class MyClass[T]:
    def __new__(cls, x: T) -> Self:
        return super().__new__(cls)

# Constructor calls for specialized classes
assert_type(MyClass[int](1), MyClass[int])
assert_type(MyClass[float](1), MyClass[float])
MyClass[int](1.0)  # Type error

# Constructor calls for non-specialized classes
assert_type(MyClass(1), MyClass[int])
assert_type(MyClass(1.0), MyClass[float])

If any class-scoped type variables are not solved when evaluating the __new__ method call using the supplied arguments, these type variables should be left unsolved, allowing the __init__ method (if applicable) to be used to solve them.

class MyClass[T]:
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> Self:
        return super().__new__(cls)

    def __init__(self, x: T) -> None:

assert_type(MyClass(1), MyClass[int])
assert_type(MyClass(""), MyClass[str])

For most classes, the return type for the __new__ method is typically Self, but other types are also allowed. For example, the __new__ method may return an instance of a subclass or an instance of some completely unrelated class.

If the evaluated return type of __new__ is not the class being constructed (or a subclass thereof), a type checker should assume that the __init__ method will not be called. This is consistent with the runtime behavior of the type.__call__ method. If the __new__ method return type is a union with one or more members that are not the class being constructed (or a subclass thereof), a type checker should likewise assume that the __init__ method will not be called.

class MyClass:
    def __new__(cls) -> int:
        return 0

    # In this case, the __init__ method should not be considered
    # by the type checker when evaluating a constructor call.
    def __init__(self, x: int):

assert_type(MyClass(), int)

For purposes of this test, an explicit return type of Any (or a union containing Any) should be treated as a type that is not an instance of the class being constructed.

class MyClass:
    def __new__(cls) -> Any:
        return 0

    # The __init__ method will not be called in this case, so
    # it should not be evaluated.
    def __init__(self, x: int):

assert_type(MyClass(), Any)

If the return type of __new__ is not annotated, a type checker may assume that the return type is Self and proceed with the assumption that the __init__ method will be called.

If the class is generic, it is possible for a __new__ method to override the specialized class type and return a class instance that is specialized with different type arguments.

class MyClass[T]:
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> "MyClass[list[T]]":

assert_type(MyClass[int](), MyClass[list[int]])

If the cls parameter within the __new__ method is not annotated, type checkers should infer a type of type[Self]. Regardless of whether the type of the cls parameter is explicit or inferred, the type checker should bind the class being constructed to the cls parameter and report any type errors that arise during binding.

class MyClass[T]:
    def __new__(cls: "type[MyClass[int]]") -> "MyClass[int]": ...

MyClass()  # OK
MyClass[int]()  # OK
MyClass[str]()  # Type Error

__init__ Method

After evaluating the __new__ method, a type checker should evaluate the __init__ method (if applicable) using the supplied arguments. If the class is generic and explicitly specialized (or specialized via the __new__ method return type), the type checker should partially specialize the __init__ method using the supplied type arguments. If the class is not explicitly specialized, class-scoped type variables should be solved using the supplied arguments passed to the constructor call.

This step should be skipped if the class does not define an __init__ method and does not inherit an __init__ method from a base class other than object.

class MyClass[T]:
    def __init__(self, x: T) -> None:

# Constructor calls for specialized classes
assert_type(MyClass[int](1), MyClass[int])
assert_type(MyClass[float](1), MyClass[float])
MyClass[int](1.0)  # Type error

# Constructor calls for non-specialized classes
assert_type(MyClass(1), MyClass[int])
assert_type(MyClass(1.0), MyClass[float])

If the self parameter within the __init__ method is not annotated, type checkers should infer a type of Self. Regardless of whether the self parameter type is explicit or inferred, a type checker should bind the class being constructed to this parameter and report any type errors that arise during binding.

class MyClass[T]:
    def __init__(self: "MyClass[int]") -> None: ...

MyClass()  # OK
MyClass[int]()  # OK
MyClass[str]()  # Type Error

The return type for __init__ is always None, which means the method cannot influence the return type of the constructor call by specifying a return type. There are cases where it is desirable for the __init__ method to influence the return type, especially when the __init__ method is overloaded. To enable this, type checkers should allow the self parameter to be annotated with a type that influences the resulting type of the constructor call.

class MyClass1[T]:
    def __init__(self: "MyClass1[list[int]]", value: int) -> None: ...
    def __init__(self: "MyClass1[set[str]]", value: str) -> None: ...
    def __init__(self, value: T) -> None: ...

assert_type(MyClass1(0), MyClass1[list[int]])
assert_type(MyClass1[int](3), MyClass1[int])
assert_type(MyClass1(""), MyClass1[set[str]])
assert_type(MyClass1(3.0), MyClass1[float])

Function-scoped type variables can also be used in the self annotation of an __init__ method to influence the return type of the constructor call.

class MyClass2[T1, T2]:
    def __init__[V1, V2](self: "MyClass2[V1, V2]", value1: V1, value2: V2) -> None: ...

assert_type(MyClass2(0, ""), MyClass2[int, str])
assert_type(MyClass2[int, str](0, ""), MyClass2[int, str])

class MyClass3[T1, T2]:
    def __init__[V1, V2](self: "MyClass3[V2, V1]", value1: V1, value2: V2) -> None: ...

assert_type(MyClass3(0, ""), MyClass3[str, int])
assert_type(MyClass3[str, int](0, ""), MyClass3[str, int])

Class-scoped type variables should not be used in the self annotation because such use can lead to ambiguous or nonsensical type evaluation results. Type checkers should report an error if a class-scoped type variable is used within a type annotation for the self parameter in an __init__ method.

class MyClass4[T1, T2]:
    # The ``self`` annotation should result in a type error
    def __init__(self: "MyClass4[T2, T1]") -> None: ...

Classes Without __new__ and __init__ Methods

If a class does not define a __new__ method or __init__ method and does not inherit either of these methods from a base class other than object, a type checker should evaluate the argument list using the __new__ and __init__ methods from the object class.

class MyClass5:

MyClass5()  # OK
MyClass5(1)  # Type error

Constructor Calls for type[T]

When a value of type type[T] (where T is a concrete class or a type variable) is called, a type checker should evaluate the constructor call as if it is being made on the class T (or the class that represents the upper bound of type variable T). This means the type checker should use the __call__ method of T’s metaclass and the __new__ and __init__ methods of T to evaluate the constructor call.

It should be noted that such code could be unsafe because the type type[T] may represent subclasses of T, and those subclasses could redefine the __new__ and __init__ methods in a way that is incompatible with the base class. Likewise, the metaclass of T could redefine the __call__ method in a way that is incompatible with the base metaclass.

Specialization During Construction

As discussed above, if a class is generic and not explicitly specialized, its type variables should be solved using the arguments passed to the __new__ and __init__ methods. If one or more type variables are not solved during these method evaluations, they should take on their default values.

T1 = TypeVar("T1")
T2 = TypeVar("T2")
T3 = TypeVar("T3", default=str)

class MyClass1(Generic[T1, T2]):
    def __new__(cls, x: T1) -> Self: ...

assert_type(MyClass1(1), MyClass1[int, Any])

class MyClass2(Generic[T1, T3]):
    def __new__(cls, x: T1) -> Self: ...

assert_type(MyClass2(1), MyClass2[int, str])

Consistency of __new__ and __init__

Type checkers may optionally validate that the __new__ and __init__ methods for a class have consistent signatures.

class MyClass:
    def __new__(cls) -> Self:
        return super().__new__(cls)

    # Type error: __new__ and __init__ have inconsistent signatures
    def __init__(self, x: str) -> None:

Converting a Constructor to Callable

Class objects are callable, which means the type of a class object can be assignable to a callable type.

def accepts_callable[**P, R](cb: Callable[P, R]) -> Callable[P, R]:
    return cb

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, x: int) -> None:

reveal_type(accepts_callable(MyClass))  # ``def (x: int) -> MyClass``

When converting a class to a callable type, a type checker should use the following rules, which reflect the same rules specified above for evaluating constructor calls:

  1. If the class has a custom metaclass that defines a __call__ method that is annotated with a return type other than a subclass of the class being constructed (or a union that contains such a type), a type checker should assume that the metaclass __call__ method is overriding type.__call__ in some special manner. In this case, the callable should be synthesized from the parameters and return type of the metaclass __call__ method after it is bound to the class, and the __new__ or __init__ methods (if present) should be ignored. This is an uncommon case. In the more typical case where there is no custom metaclass that overrides type.__call__ in a special manner, the metaclass __call__ signature should be ignored for purposes of converting to a callable type. If a custom metaclass __call__ method is present but does not have an annotated return type, type checkers may assume that the method acts like type.__call__ and proceed to the next step.

  2. If the class defines a __new__ method or inherits a __new__ method from a base class other than object, a type checker should synthesize a callable from the parameters and return type of that method after it is bound to the class.

  3. If the return type of the method in step 2 evaluates to a type that is not a subclass of the class being constructed (or a union that includes such a class), the final callable type is based on the result of step 2, and the conversion process is complete. The __init__ method is ignored in this case. This is consistent with the runtime behavior of the type.__call__ method.

  4. If the class defines an __init__ method or inherits an __init__ method from a base class other than object, a callable type should be synthesized from the parameters of the __init__ method after it is bound to the class instance resulting from step 2. The return type of this synthesized callable should be the concrete value of Self.

  5. If step 2 and 4 both produce no result because the class does not define or inherit a __new__ or __init__ method from a class other than object, the type checker should synthesize callable types from the __new__ and __init__ methods for the object class.

  6. Steps 2, 4 and 5 will produce either one or two callable types. The final result of the conversion process is the union of these types. This will reflect the callable signatures of the applicable __new__ and __init__ methods.

class A:
    """ No __new__ or __init__ """

class B:
    """ __new__ and __init__ """
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> Self:

    def __init__(self, x: int) -> None:

class C:
    """ __new__ but no __init__ """
    def __new__(cls, x: int) -> int:

class CustomMeta(type):
    def __call__(cls) -> NoReturn:
        raise NotImplementedError("Class not constructable")

class D(metaclass=CustomMeta):
    """ Custom metaclass that overrides type.__call__ """
    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> Self:
        """ This __new__ is ignored for purposes of conversion """

class E:
    """ __new__ that causes __init__ to be ignored """

    def __new__(cls) -> A:
        return A.__new__(cls)

    def __init__(self, x: int) -> None:
        """ This __init__ is ignored for purposes of conversion """

reveal_type(accepts_callable(A))  # ``def () -> A``
reveal_type(accepts_callable(B))  # ``def (*args, **kwargs) -> B | def (x: int) -> B``
reveal_type(accepts_callable(C))  # ``def (x: int) -> int``
reveal_type(accepts_callable(D))  # ``def () -> NoReturn``
reveal_type(accepts_callable(E))  # ``def () -> A``

If the __init__ or __new__ method is overloaded, the callable type should be synthesized from the overloads. The resulting callable type itself will be overloaded.

class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, x: int) -> None: ...
    def __init__(self, x: str) -> None: ...

reveal_type(accepts_callable(MyClass))  # overload of ``def (x: int) -> MyClass`` and ``def (x: str) -> MyClass``

If the class is generic, the synthesized callable should include any class-scoped type parameters that appear within the signature, but these type parameters should be converted to function-scoped type parameters for the callable. Any function-scoped type parameters in the __init__ or __new__ method should also be included as function-scoped type parameters in the synthesized callable.

class MyClass[T]:
    def __init__[V](self, x: T, y: list[V], z: V) -> None: ...

reveal_type(accepts_callable(MyClass))  # ``def [T, V] (x: T, y: list[V], z: V) -> MyClass[T]``