.. _directives: Type checker directives ======================= .. _`assert-type`: ``assert_type()`` ----------------- The function ``typing.assert_type(val, typ)`` allows users to ask a static type checker to confirm that *val* has an inferred type of *typ*. When a type checker encounters a call to ``assert_type()``, it should emit an error if the value is not of the specified type:: def greet(name: str) -> None: assert_type(name, str) # OK, inferred type of `name` is `str` assert_type(name, int) # type checker error The second argument must be a valid :term:`type expression`. .. _`reveal-type`: ``reveal_type()`` ----------------- The function ``reveal_type(obj)`` makes type checkers reveal the inferred static type of an expression. When a static type checker encounters a call to this function, it should emit a diagnostic with the type of the argument. For example:: x: int = 1 reveal_type(x) # Revealed type is "builtins.int" .. _`type-ignore`: ``# type: ignore`` comments --------------------------- The special comment ``# type: ignore`` is used to silence type checker errors. The ``# type: ignore`` comment should be put on the line that the error refers to:: import http.client errors = { 'not_found': http.client.NOT_FOUND # type: ignore } A ``# type: ignore`` comment on a line by itself at the top of a file, before any docstrings, imports, or other executable code, silences all errors in the file. Blank lines and other comments, such as shebang lines and coding cookies, may precede the ``# type: ignore`` comment. In some cases, linting tools or other comments may be needed on the same line as a type comment. In these cases, the type comment should be before other comments and linting markers: # type: ignore # .. _`cast`: ``cast()`` ---------- Occasionally the type checker may need a different kind of hint: the programmer may know that an expression is of a more constrained type than a type checker may be able to infer. For example:: from typing import cast def find_first_str(a: list[object]) -> str: index = next(i for i, x in enumerate(a) if isinstance(x, str)) # We only get here if there's at least one string in a return cast(str, a[index]) Some type checkers may not be able to infer that the type of ``a[index]`` is ``str`` and only infer ``object`` or ``Any``, but we know that (if the code gets to that point) it must be a string. The ``cast(t, x)`` call tells the type checker that we are confident that the type of ``x`` is ``t``. ``t`` must be a valid :term:`type expression`. At runtime a cast always returns the expression unchanged -- it does not check the type, and it does not convert or coerce the value. Casts differ from type comments (see the previous section). When using a type comment, the type checker should still verify that the inferred type is consistent with the stated type. When using a cast, the type checker should blindly believe the programmer. Also, casts can be used in expressions, while type comments only apply to assignments. .. _`if-type-checking`: ``TYPE_CHECKING`` ----------------- Sometimes there's code that must be seen by a type checker (or other static analysis tools) but should not be executed. For such situations the ``typing`` module defines a constant, ``TYPE_CHECKING``, that is considered ``True`` during type checking (or other static analysis) but ``False`` at runtime. Example:: import typing if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: import expensive_mod def a_func(arg: 'expensive_mod.SomeClass') -> None: a_var: expensive_mod.SomeClass = arg ... (Note that the type annotation must be enclosed in quotes, making it a "forward reference", to hide the ``expensive_mod`` reference from the interpreter runtime. In the variable annotation no quotes are needed.) This approach may also be useful to handle import cycles. .. _`no-type-check`: ``@no_type_check`` ------------------ The ``@typing.no_type_check`` decorator may be supported by type checkers for functions and classes. If a type checker supports the ``no_type_check`` decorator for functions, it should suppress all type errors for the ``def`` statement and its body including any nested functions or classes. It should also ignore all parameter and return type annotations and treat the function as if it were unannotated. The behavior for the ``no_type_check`` decorator when applied to a class is left undefined by the typing spec at this time. Version and platform checking ----------------------------- Type checkers are expected to understand simple version and platform checks, e.g.:: import sys if sys.version_info >= (3, 12): # Python 3.12+ else: # Python 3.11 and lower if sys.platform == 'win32': # Windows specific definitions else: # Posix specific definitions Don't expect a checker to understand obfuscations like ``"".join(reversed(sys.platform)) == "xunil"``. .. _`deprecated`: ``@deprecated`` --------------- (Originally specified in :pep:`702`.) The :py:func:`warnings.deprecated` decorator can be used on a class, function or method to mark it as deprecated. This includes :class:`typing.TypedDict` and :class:`typing.NamedTuple` definitions. With overloaded functions, the decorator may be applied to individual overloads, indicating that the particular overload is deprecated. The decorator may also be applied to the overload implementation function, indicating that the entire function is deprecated. The decorator takes the following arguments: * A required positional-only argument representing the deprecation message. * Two keyword-only arguments, ``category`` and ``stacklevel``, controlling runtime behavior (see under "Runtime behavior" below). The positional-only argument is of type ``str`` and contains a message that should be shown by the type checker when it encounters a usage of the decorated object. Tools may clean up the deprecation message for display, for example by using :func:`inspect.cleandoc` or equivalent logic. The message must be a string literal. The content of deprecation messages is up to the user, but it may include the version in which the deprecated object is to be removed, and information about suggested replacement APIs. Type checkers should produce a diagnostic whenever they encounter a usage of an object marked as deprecated. For deprecated overloads, this includes all calls that resolve to the deprecated overload. For deprecated classes and functions, this includes: * References through module, class, or instance attributes (``module.deprecated_object``, ``module.SomeClass.deprecated_method``, ``module.SomeClass().deprecated_method``) * Any usage of deprecated objects in their defining module (``x = deprecated_object()`` in ``module.py``) * If ``import *`` is used, usage of deprecated objects from the module (``from module import *; x = deprecated_object()``) * ``from`` imports (``from module import deprecated_object``) * Any syntax that indirectly triggers a call to the function. For example, if the ``__add__`` method of a class ``C`` is deprecated, then the code ``C() + C()`` should trigger a diagnostic. Similarly, if the setter of a property is marked deprecated, attempts to set the property should trigger a diagnostic. If a method is marked with the :ref:`@override decorator ` and the base class method it overrides is deprecated, the type checker should produce a diagnostic. There are additional scenarios where deprecations could come into play. For example, an object may implement a :class:`typing.Protocol`, but one of the methods required for protocol compliance is deprecated. As scenarios such as this one appear complex and relatively unlikely to come up in practice, type checkers are not mandated to detect them. Example ^^^^^^^ As an example, consider this library stub named ``library.pyi``: .. code-block:: python from warnings import deprecated @deprecated("Use Spam instead") class Ham: ... @deprecated("It is pining for the fiords") def norwegian_blue(x: int) -> int: ... @overload @deprecated("Only str will be allowed") def foo(x: int) -> str: ... @overload def foo(x: str) -> str: ... class Spam: @deprecated("There is enough spam in the world") def __add__(self, other: object) -> object: ... @property @deprecated("All spam will be equally greasy") def greasy(self) -> float: ... @property def shape(self) -> str: ... @shape.setter @deprecated("Shapes are becoming immutable") def shape(self, value: str) -> None: ... Here is how type checkers should handle usage of this library: .. code-block:: python from library import Ham # error: Use of deprecated class Ham. Use Spam instead. import library library.norwegian_blue(1) # error: Use of deprecated function norwegian_blue. It is pining for the fiords. map(library.norwegian_blue, [1, 2, 3]) # error: Use of deprecated function norwegian_blue. It is pining for the fiords. library.foo(1) # error: Use of deprecated overload for foo. Only str will be allowed. library.foo("x") # no error ham = Ham() # no error (already reported above) spam = library.Spam() spam + 1 # error: Use of deprecated method Spam.__add__. There is enough spam in the world. spam.greasy # error: Use of deprecated property Spam.greasy. All spam will be equally greasy. spam.shape # no error spam.shape = "cube" # error: Use of deprecated property setter Spam.shape. Shapes are becoming immutable. The exact wording of the diagnostics is up to the type checker and is not part of the specification. Type checker behavior ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It is unspecified exactly how type checkers should present deprecation diagnostics to their users. However, some users (e.g., application developers targeting only a specific version of Python) may not care about deprecations, while others (e.g., library developers who want their library to remain compatible with future versions of Python) would want to catch any use of deprecated functionality in their CI pipeline. Therefore, it is recommended that type checkers provide configuration options that cover both use cases. As with any other type checker error, it is also possible to ignore deprecations using ``# type: ignore`` comments.