.. _typing-anti-pitch: Reasons to avoid static type checking ===================================== In the words of :pep:`484`: It should also be emphasized that Python will remain a dynamically typed language, and the authors have no desire to ever make type hints mandatory, even by convention. The idea that dynamism in Python is a strength of the language is reflected in the fact that Python's type system is gradual. See :pep:`483` for details, but the long and short of this is that you can add static types to your codebase only to the extent that you want to, and static type checkers and other tools should be able to put up with this. It's also worth noting that "static type checking" encompasses a spectrum of possible degrees of strictness. On the one hand, you can set yourself up so that your type checker does almost nothing. On the other -- well, I love type checking, but I would quit Python if I had to enable all possible strictness checks that type checkers offer. Anyway, with all that said, here's a list of possible reasons to not use static type checking in Python: * You simply don't want to. Python is a tool that is meant to serve you. Python is a big tent, multi-paradigm language that generally allows you to do things in the way that best suits your needs, as best determined by you. * Type annotations can both help and hurt readability. While type annotations can serve both humans and machines, particularly complex annotations or changes to idioms serve machines more than they do humans. Readability counts. * The cost-benefit ratio isn't good enough. Pleasing static type checkers requires a non-zero amount of busy work. If this isn't worth the extra confidence you get, you shouldn't add static type checking. * Your codebase fits in your developers' heads. Opinions vary, but people tend to agree that at some number of developers and lines of code, static type checking confers significantly more benefit. You don't feel like you're there yet. * If you maintain high test coverage, that might provide sufficient quality assurance for your needs (acknowledging that static type checking and tests enforce different things; static type checking usually cannot validate logic, tests can often not prove invariants of your code to hold). * Your codebase is old, large and has been working fine without static type checking for years. While Python's type system is designed to `allow gradual adoption of static type checking `_, the total cost of adding type annotations to a large extant codebase can be prohibitive. * Your application uses a particularly dynamic framework or your library does enough dynamic things that type checking would be unlikely to help your developers and users. Migrating application frameworks could be costly. Either a) redesigning your library in ways that static type checkers could better understand or b) figuring out clever type annotations to twist the arms of type checkers would take a lot of effort. * Your codebase has suffered at the hands of `Hyrum's Law `_ and all possible observable behaviour is depended on. In order to avoid false positives for your users, all your types end up being either a) complicated ``Protocol``\s that are hard to maintain, or b) ``Any`` in which case there's not much point. (On the other hand, static type checking could be a good solution for communicating to users what behaviour they should be allowed to rely on) * You're not opposed to type checking in theory, but you dislike Python type checkers in practice. Maybe they don't understand enough of the idioms you use, maybe you'd like them to infer more instead of relying on explicit annotations, maybe they're too slow, maybe they don't integrate well with your editor, maybe they're too hard to configure. Whatever the reason -- it just doesn't work for your project. * Type checking in Python isn't actually strict enough, powerful enough or expressive enough for you. Python type checkers end up making various decisions out of pragmatism, or due to limited resources, and these decisions might not be the ones for you. This might mean that typed Python simply isn't the right language for you, or you need to find other methods to enforce the properties you desire. Advice for maintainers of untyped libraries ******************************************* You've made the decision that adding static types isn't the right choice for your library. But perhaps you'd still like to help your users who do use static type checking -- and maybe you have some enthusiastic would-be contributors willing to help with this. One option is encourage such contributors to publish a :pep:`561` stub-only package that is maintained separately from your main project. They could also contribute these stubs to the `typeshed `_ project. Note that if you're willing to maintain the stubs, but you don't wish to have them inline and don't want to statically type check your code, you can accomplish this by distributing type stubs inside your package. See :ref:`libraries` for more information. See :ref:`writing_stubs` for advice on how to help maintain type stubs. If more users pester you about adding static types, feel free to link them to this document. And if you ever change your mind, make sure to check out some of the other guides in this documentation, and ask any questions you have over at `Python's typing discussions `_.