.. role:: python(code) :language: python .. role:: t-ext(class) .. _modernizing: ************************************** Modernizing Superseded Typing Features ************************************** Introduction ============ This guide helps to modernize your code by replacing older typing features with their modern equivalents. Not all features described here are obsolete, but they are superseded by more modern alternatives, which are recommended to use. These newer features are not available in all Python versions, although some features are available as backports from the `typing-extensions `_ package, or require quoting or using :python:`from __future__ import annotations`. Each section states the minimum Python version required to use the feature, whether it is available in typing-extensions, and whether it is available using quoting. .. note:: The latest version of typing-extensions is available for all Python versions that have not reached their end of life, but not necessarily for older versions. .. note:: :python:`from __future__ import annotations` is available since Python 3.7. This only has an effect inside type annotations, while quoting is still required outside. For example, this example runs on Python 3.7 and up, although the pipe operator was only introduced in Python 3.10:: from __future__ import annotations from typing_extensions import TypeAlias def f(x: int | None) -> int | str: ... # the future import is sufficient Alias: TypeAlias = "int | str" # this requires quoting .. _modernizing-type-comments: Type Comments ============= *Alternative available since:* Python 3.0, 3.6 Type comments were originally introduced to support type annotations in Python 2 and variable annotations before Python 3.6. While most type checkers still support them, they are considered obsolete, and type checkers are not required to support them. For example, replace:: x = 3 # type: int def f(x, y): # type: (int, int) -> int return x + y with:: x: int = 3 def f(x: int, y: int) -> int: return x + y When using forward references or types only available during type checking, it's necessary to either use :python:`from __future__ import annotations` (available since Python 3.7) or to quote the type:: def f(x: "Parrot") -> int: ... class Parrot: ... .. _modernizing-typing-text: ``typing.Text`` =============== *Alternative available since:* Python 3.0 :class:`typing.Text` was a type alias intended for Python 2 compatibility. It is equivalent to :class:`str` and should be replaced with it. For example, replace:: from typing import Text def f(x: Text) -> Text: ... with:: def f(x: str) -> str: ... .. _modernizing-typed-dict: ``typing.TypedDict`` Legacy Forms ================================= *Alternative available since:* Python 3.6 :class:`TypedDict ` supports two legacy forms for supporting Python versions that don't support variable annotations. Replace these two variants:: from typing import TypedDict FlyingSaucer = TypedDict("FlyingSaucer", {"x": int, "y": str}) FlyingSaucer = TypedDict("FlyingSaucer", x=int, y=str) with:: class FlyingSaucer(TypedDict): x: int y: str But the dictionary form is still necessary if the keys are not valid Python identifiers:: Airspeeds = TypedDict("Airspeeds", {"unladen-swallow": int}) .. _modernizing-generics: Generics in the ``typing`` Module ================================= *Alternative available since:* Python 3.0 (quoted), Python 3.9 (unquoted) Originally, the :mod:`typing` module provided aliases for built-in types that accepted type parameters. Since Python 3.9, these aliases are no longer necessary, and can be replaced with the built-in types. For example, replace:: from typing import Dict, List def f(x: List[int]) -> Dict[str, int]: ... with:: def f(x: list[int]) -> dict[str, int]: ... This affects the following types: * :class:`typing.Dict` (→ :class:`dict`) * :class:`typing.FrozenSet` (→ :class:`frozenset`) * :class:`typing.List` (→ :class:`list`) * :class:`typing.Set` (→ :class:`set`) * :data:`typing.Tuple` (→ :class:`tuple`) The :mod:`typing` module also provided aliases for certain standard library types that accepted type parameters. Since Python 3.9, these aliases are no longer necessary, and can be replaced with the proper types. For example, replace:: from typing import DefaultDict, Pattern def f(x: Pattern[str]) -> DefaultDict[str, int]: ... with:: from collections import defaultdict from re import Pattern def f(x: Pattern[str]) -> defaultdict[str, int]: ... This affects the following types: * :class:`typing.Deque` (→ :class:`collections.deque`) * :class:`typing.DefaultDict` (→ :class:`collections.defaultdict`) * :class:`typing.OrderedDict` (→ :class:`collections.OrderedDict`) * :class:`typing.Counter` (→ :class:`collections.Counter`) * :class:`typing.ChainMap` (→ :class:`collections.ChainMap`) * :class:`typing.Awaitable` (→ :class:`collections.abc.Awaitable`) * :class:`typing.Coroutine` (→ :class:`collections.abc.Coroutine`) * :class:`typing.AsyncIterable` (→ :class:`collections.abc.AsyncIterable`) * :class:`typing.AsyncIterator` (→ :class:`collections.abc.AsyncIterator`) * :class:`typing.AsyncGenerator` (→ :class:`collections.abc.AsyncGenerator`) * :class:`typing.Iterable` (→ :class:`collections.abc.Iterable`) * :class:`typing.Iterator` (→ :class:`collections.abc.Iterator`) * :class:`typing.Generator` (→ :class:`collections.abc.Generator`) * :class:`typing.Reversible` (→ :class:`collections.abc.Reversible`) * :class:`typing.Container` (→ :class:`collections.abc.Container`) * :class:`typing.Collection` (→ :class:`collections.abc.Collection`) * :data:`typing.Callable` (→ :class:`collections.abc.Callable`) * :class:`typing.AbstractSet` (→ :class:`collections.abc.Set`), note the change in name * :class:`typing.MutableSet` (→ :class:`collections.abc.MutableSet`) * :class:`typing.Mapping` (→ :class:`collections.abc.Mapping`) * :class:`typing.MutableMapping` (→ :class:`collections.abc.MutableMapping`) * :class:`typing.Sequence` (→ :class:`collections.abc.Sequence`) * :class:`typing.MutableSequence` (→ :class:`collections.abc.MutableSequence`) * :class:`typing.ByteString` (→ :class:`collections.abc.ByteString`), but see :ref:`modernizing-byte-string` * :class:`typing.MappingView` (→ :class:`collections.abc.MappingView`) * :class:`typing.KeysView` (→ :class:`collections.abc.KeysView`) * :class:`typing.ItemsView` (→ :class:`collections.abc.ItemsView`) * :class:`typing.ValuesView` (→ :class:`collections.abc.ValuesView`) * :class:`typing.ContextManager` (→ :class:`contextlib.AbstractContextManager`), note the change in name * :class:`typing.AsyncContextManager` (→ :class:`contextlib.AbstractAsyncContextManager`), note the change in name * :class:`typing.Pattern` (→ :class:`re.Pattern`) * :class:`typing.Match` (→ :class:`re.Match`) .. _modernizing-union: ``typing.Union`` and ``typing.Optional`` ======================================== *Alternative available since:* Python 3.0 (quoted), Python 3.10 (unquoted) While :data:`Union ` and :data:`Optional ` are not considered obsolete, using the ``|`` (pipe) operator is often more readable. :python:`Union[X, Y]` is equivalent to :python:`X | Y`, while :python:`Optional[X]` is equivalent to :python:`X | None`. For example, replace:: from typing import Optional, Union def f(x: Optional[int]) -> Union[int, str]: ... with:: def f(x: int | None) -> int | str: ... .. _modernizing-no-return: ``typing.NoReturn`` =================== *Alternative available since:* Python 3.11, typing-extensions Python 3.11 introduced :data:`typing.Never` as an alias to :data:`typing.NoReturn` for use in annotations that are not return types. For example, replace:: from typing import NoReturn def f(x: int, y: NoReturn) -> None: ... with:: from typing import Never # or typing_extensions.Never def f(x: int, y: Never) -> None: ... But keep ``NoReturn`` for return types:: from typing import NoReturn def f(x: int) -> NoReturn: ... .. _modernizing-type-aliases: Type Aliases ============ *Alternative available since:* Python 3.12 (keyword); Python 3.10, typing-extensions Originally, type aliases were defined using a simple assignment:: IntList = list[int] Python 3.12 introduced the :keyword:`type` keyword to define type aliases:: type IntList = list[int] Code supporting older Python versions should use :data:`TypeAlias `, introduced in Python 3.10, but also available in typing-extensions, instead:: from typing import TypeAlias # or typing_extensions.TypeAlias IntList: TypeAlias = list[int] .. _modernizing-user-generics: User Defined Generics ===================== *Alternative available since:* Python 3.12 Python 3.12 introduced new syntax for defining generic classes. Previously, generic classes had to derive from :class:`typing.Generic` (or another generic class) and defined the type variable using :class:`typing.TypeVar`. For example:: from typing import Generic, TypeVar T = TypeVar("T") class Brian(Generic[T]): ... class Reg(int, Generic[T]): ... Starting with Python 3.12, the type variable doesn't need to be declared using ``TypeVar``, and instead of deriving the class from ``Generic``, the following syntax can be used:: class Brian[T]: ... class Reg[T](int): ... .. _modernizing-byte-string: ``typing.ByteString`` ===================== *Alternative available since:* Python 3.0; Python 3.12, typing-extensions :class:`ByteString ` was originally intended to be a type alias for "byte-like" types, i.e. :class:`bytes`, :class:`bytearray`, and :class:`memoryview`. In practice, this is seldom exactly what is needed. Use one of these alternatives instead: * Just :class:`bytes` is often sufficient, especially when not declaring a public API. * For items that accept any type that supports the :ref:`buffer protocol `, use :class:`collections.abc.Buffer` (available since Python 3.12) or :t-ext:`typing_extensions.Buffer`. * Otherwise, use a union of :class:`bytes`, :class:`bytearray`, :class:`memoryview`, and/or any other types that are accepted. ``typing.Hashable`` and ``typing.Sized`` ======================================== *Alternative available since:* Python 3.12, typing-extensions The following abstract base classes from :mod:`typing` were added to :mod:`collections.abc` in Python 3.12: * :class:`typing.Hashable` (→ :class:`collections.abc.Hashable`) * :class:`typing.Sized` (→ :class:`collections.abc.Sized`) Update your imports to use the new locations:: from collections.abc import Hashable, Sized def f(x: Hashable) -> Sized: ...